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What is Ledger live & how do I use it?

Ledger live can be used to keep track of the main wallet (it will show the total balances on all the addresses of the btc account). If you are familiar with xpub, ypub and zpub, you can also enter those extended public keys in BTC explorers that support them, Where do I find my wallet address in Opera Crypto Browser?

What is a ledger in banking?

What is a Ledger? It is also known as the principal book of accounts as well as the book of final entry. It is a book in which all ledger accounts and related monetary transactions are maintained in a summarized and classified form. All accounts combined together make a ledger and form a permanent record of all transactions.

What is an example of a subledger?

Few examples of each are Furniture, Cash, Creditors, Bank Loan, Capital, Drawings, Sales, Rent, etc. Related Topic- What is a subledger? It is shown in “T” format and divided into 2 columns: the left-hand side represents the debit side and the right-hand side represents the credit side.

How do I find an address in my general area?

We have found an address in your general area. For the exact address of your location please share your location. We can then use your latitude and longitude to find the address closest to you. You can also find an address by searching for an area, and clicking on the map, or by entering GPS coordinates.

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